The Evolution of Australian retirement

by 22 Feb 2024Retirement

Australia’s journey towards its current retirement system is a tale of adaptation, policy innovation, and the pursuit of financial security for its aging population. As we take a closer look, we find that it’s not just about numbers and legislation but about the evolving relationship between the government, the economy, and the individual’s right to a secure retirement.

The Three Pillars of Retirement

At the heart of Australia’s retirement system are three key elements, known as the three pillars: a means-tested age pension, mandatory private superannuation savings, and voluntary savings. This structure aims to provide a safety net for all Australians in their retirement years, ensuring everyone has the chance for a comfortable and secure life after work.

The Early Days

Before we had the organised system of today, retirement support in Australia was a bit of a patchwork affair. Before Federation, support for the aged was mainly provided by charitable organisations and was mostly in the form of care in institutions (and they weren’t as nice as todays!).

It wasn’t until the 20th century that the government began to take a more active role in providing for the aged, culminating in the introduction of the age pension in 1909.

The 1909 Age Pension was designed as a means-tested benefit, available to individuals aged 65 and over who met certain residency and income requirements. This groundbreaking initiative aimed to provide a safety net for older Australians, ensuring they had a basic level of income in their retirement years. Despite this significant step, the Age Pension alone was not sufficient to fully address the needs of the aging population, and many elderly Australians continued to rely on family support and limited charitable aid until the expansion of superannuation coverage in the latter half of the 20th century began to offer a more robust solution for retirement savings.

Voluntary Beginnings

Initially, superannuation in Australia was voluntary for both employers and employees, with its roots in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. These early superannuation schemes were primarily offered by government departments, large corporations, and some industries to their employees as a form of retirement benefit. However, these were not widespread and covered only a small fraction of the workforce.

Growth and Recognition

Throughout the mid-20th century, superannuation began to gain traction as an essential component of employee benefits, but it remained predominantly within the realm of higher-income earners and specific sectors. During this period, superannuation schemes were typically defined benefit plans, where retirement benefits were determined by salary and years of service.

Policy Shifts and Awareness

The 1970s and 1980s saw growing awareness of the need for broader retirement income policies, fueled by demographic shifts and concerns about the adequacy of the Age Pension to support retirees. The government and various stakeholders began to recognise the potential of superannuation in providing a more comprehensive retirement income solution.

Industrial Agreements

A significant push towards wider superannuation coverage came through industrial agreements. Starting in the late 1980s, certain industries and unions negotiated superannuation contributions as part of their industrial awards. This was particularly impactful in sectors like the public service and for workers in large companies. By the late 1980s, these award-based superannuation schemes had started to expand superannuation coverage to a broader section of the Australian workforce.

National Superannuation Scheme Proposals


The idea of a national, compulsory superannuation scheme gained momentum in the late 1980s, especially with the release of the “National Superannuation Scheme for Australia” report by the National Superannuation Committee of Inquiry in 1985. While not immediately implemented, this report laid the groundwork for thinking about a comprehensive, compulsory superannuation system.

The Superannuation Guarantee (SG)

The introduction of the SG in 1992 by the Keating Labor government was a landmark reform. It mandated that employers contribute to superannuation on behalf of their employees, starting at 3% of an employee’s earnings and gradually increasing. This policy aimed to extend superannuation coverage across the entire workforce, supplementing the Age Pension and addressing the challenges of an aging population.

The lead-up to the SG was characterised by increasing recognition of the importance of superannuation in ensuring financial security in retirement. The SG itself was a revolutionary step that transformed the landscape of retirement savings in Australia, marking a shift from voluntary participation and patchy coverage to a comprehensive and inclusive system.

The Superannuation Revolution

The introduction of the SG marked the beginning of a new era in retirement savings, with coverage expanding rapidly. By the end of the decade, the vast majority of Australian workers were covered by superannuation, a stark contrast to the situation just a few years prior.

Challenges and Adaptations

Despite these advances, Australia’s retirement system has faced its share of challenges. The aging population, the trend towards earlier retirement, and changing views on what constitutes an adequate retirement income have all put pressure on the system. In response, the government has adapted policies over time, including allowing early release of superannuation under certain conditions, such as severe financial hardship or compassionate grounds.

Another notable adaptation is the introduction of retirement savings accounts, offering a low-cost, flexible alternative to traditional superannuation accounts. These accounts can be provided by banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions, giving Australians more options for their retirement savings.

Looking Ahead

As we look to the future, the story of Australian retirement continues to unfold. The system that exists today, with its emphasis on both government support and individual savings, is the result of over a century of evolution. It reflects Australia’s commitment to providing security and dignity in retirement for all its citizens.

The journey of the Australian retirement system is a testament to the country’s ability to adapt to changing economic and demographic realities. It’s a story of how policy, economy, and individual needs intersect to create a system that aims to support every Australian in their later years.

As we move forward, the lessons learned from the past will undoubtedly continue to shape the future of retirement in Australia, ensuring that the system remains responsive to the needs of its aging population while fostering a culture of saving and financial preparedness for all.


Australian Treasury 2001, ‘Towards Higher Retirement Incomes for Australians: A History of the Australian Retirement Income System since Federation‘, Economic Roundup Centenary Edition, Australian Government, Canberra, viewed 3rd February 2024

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Kylie is the Yin to Anthony’s Yang.

With a Diploma in Financial Planning, she’s spent over 25 years in the financial services industry, using her knowledge and skills to successfully weave an adoration of style and travel, alongside business, into her life.

While Kylie brings experience and knowledge from brands like ANZ, HSBC, Deutsche Bank and Merrill Lynch, she also brings heart and inspiration to Creo Wealth. This shows in how she manages the Creo Wealth team who feel appreciated by Kylie (oh, and Anthony too!)

But Kylie’s heart and inspiration doesn’t stop there. She’s a huge spender and certifiable shoe addict. This, along with her upbringing, means Kylie truly understands how hard it is to get in touch with your money story.

She’s on a mission to educate people to help them understand their money story. And then give them the tools to begin rewriting it. Kylie loves to use her stylish shoes to kick-start people’s confidence to set and reach their financial goals.

And the fun part for Kylie?

She always looks classy when she challenges Anthony for that last M&M.